My webpage

Section 01

What is the difference between structured content and semantic HTML?

Structural elements explain the relation of the context in relation to the other content of other elements within a document, while semantic elements explain the purpose of an element.

How do they work together?

Structured content enhances semantic search by providing clear, organized data, improving search engine understanding, and resulting in better rankings and visibility.

Why is it important to have structured content and semantic HTML in your web pages?

Both of them combined help search engines understand the importance and context of web pages.

Section 02

Three (3) websites that are similar to my semester project idea.

Section 03

Denise Jacobs argues that we all have a troll-like inner critic. Of the methods she identifies to banish this troll, which would be most successful for you? Why?

Of the methods that Denise Jacobs mentions that help identify and banish the troll that spoke to me was, "Learn from the master." This method spoke out to me because to me, learning from the things that hold you back help you understand what it is you are confronted with and how you can move forwards in a way you can grow within yourself and not just put a bandaid over your troll.

In David McRaney's article, what is "hyperbolic discounting"? List one method McRaney identifies to counteract hyperbolic discounting. Which would work best for you?

Hyperbolic discounting is the tendency to get more rational when you are forced to wait. One method McRaney identifies to counteract hyperbolic discounting is setting a deadline in which you will have finished the assignment by. To me, having set goals / deadlines each week in terms of long-term deadlines help me keep a moderate pace in reaching my final deadline goal.